Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair

The free annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair is a joint Whole Community event to help bring awareness to being better prepared for emergencies and disasters. The 12th annual Fair will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at the Northridge Fashion Center’s Pacific Theater parking lot in the San Fernando Valley, California. See website for more information:

Map Your Neighborhood (MYN)

A free and easy 9-step neighborhood response plan taught by community volunteers in about three hours to you and your immediate neighbors. MYN is a bridge between individual preparedness and programs like CERT. MYN saves lives, reduces the severity of injuries and trauma, and reduces property damage. Working together as a team and contributing as an individual develops stronger communities and improves the quality of life in the community. MYN has a proven track record implemented in 42 states and worldwide. This short article published in the April 2013 issue of Granada Hills Life provides more details about the program. For more information, email

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The CERT program is an all-risk, all-hazard training. This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT members receive 17 1/2 hours of initial training. CERT training is provided free of charge within the city of Los Angeles by the Los Angeles Fire Department. How valuable is the CERT program? Watch this short video. For more information about the CERT program: